Liturgy Planning
Making the most out of Celebrating Mass!
The Liturgy Committee is a consultative group of experienced liturgical ministers and parish staff members that work under the direction of the pastor to plan and prepare the various aspects of the parish’s liturgical celebrations throughout the liturgical seasons.
This is a working committee that meets once a month, usually on a Monday evening, from September through June. The committee, using various planning resources and under the direction of diocesan guidelines, helps ensure the fullest expression of the Mass in all its constituent elements: the proclamation of the Word, distribution of the Most Holy Eucharist, music, art and environment, and all other supporting functions such as ushering, greeting/welcoming, altar serving, and pre–and post–Mass activities. The group also plans, coordinates, and provides training and educational gatherings for all liturgical ministers.
Membership is comprised of one or more associate vicars and/or deacon, the Director of Music, choir members/cantors, Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist (EMEs), ushers, sacristans, and a member of the art and environment committee. New members are nominated and discerned by current membership.This committee is currently on hold; however, keep a lookout for when it comes back!