Circle of Friends Book Club

 A chance for women to come together

The Circle of Friends Book Club provides a chance for women to come together to read and discuss books chosen to appeal to women. Our Club is not necessarily religious in nature, but they do present the possibility of talking about matters of faith and living as a Christian in the modern world. Some recently discussed books are “Slightly Bad Girls of the Bible,” by Liz Curtis Higgs. “Things Left Unspoken,” by Eva Marie Everson, and “One Thousand Gifts,” by Ann Voskamp, “Walk in Her Sandals” by Kelly M. Wahlquist. Meetings are held monthly from September through April.

If you would like to help with putting the meetings together by choosing books for review, creating good discussion questions, or doing any of the other tasks that are a part of keeping the book club going, contact us!

Watch the bulletin and this page for announcements of date, time and place of the meetings. You do not need to have read the book to attend a meeting. All Women are welcome.

The Circle of Friends book club will be meeting on March 20th at 7:00 pm in the Saint John Paul II room. This will be our last get together before we take a break for the summer. We will be discussing Rummaging for God Seeking the Holy in Every Nook and Cranny by Melannie Svoboda, SND. We hope that you will be able to join us and that Sister Svoboda’s essays will enrich your Lenten journey.

Please use the doors near the church office and if the door is locked, please call Phyllis at 440 257 0105 or Sandy at 440 488 9001 and we will let you in.

If you have any questions, call Phyllis or Sandy.