Parish School of Religion (PSR)

The Parish School of Religion provides formal religious instruction and formation for the children of St. John Vianney who do not attend a Catholic day school. The program seeks to form the children into faithful Disciples of Christ. The program hopes to encourage participants to have a personal relationship with Jesus, a love of the scriptures, an understanding of the creed, an ability to make a good moral decision, active participation in the sacramental life of the church and a desire to perform Christian service.

Grades K – 8 meet on Sunday mornings from 8:40am-10:10am at Lake Catholic High School. Classes meet from September through March.

We will kick off our year on September 8th at Lake Catholic. On that day, there will be a Parent Meeting at 9:00 am in the auditorium and at the conclusion of the meeting you will be able to pick your children up early.

Please remember that each child in grades K-8 must be walked to class by a parent and picked up from class by a parent. We will not let children enter or exit without a parent.

“And how can they believe if they have not heard the message? And how can they hear if the message is not proclaimed?”  -Romans 10, 14

Volunteer to teach or to be a classroom aide

Join a dynamic and caring group of people – SJV Parish School of Religion! The PSR program needs adults who enjoy young people and are willing to share their faith and time with the youth of our parish. Openings are available for both classroom aide and catechist (teacher).

Classroom aides are adults and teens, 15 years and older.

Catechists (teachers) must be 18 years or older. You do not have to be a professional teacher to volunteer. Assistance and training will be provided. Family PSR registration fees are waived for PSR catechists. Fill out the Online PSR Volunteer Form.

PSR Volunteers will be working with children and will need to complete the VIRTUS requirements outlined on the VIRTUS page on the parish website. If you have previously completed Virtus Training, please provide us with a copy of your certification. Available on your Virtus online account.

PSR Fee is $65 per child for both in person and home study.

Kindergarten cost is $25

If your fee does not fall into one of the preset buttons, then use the “Other” button to pay your families PSR Fee.