Pre-Cana Marriage Preparation
Pre-Cana Day is a one-day marriage preparation retreat for engaged couples.
Engaged couples that plan to be married at St John Vianney must attend a Pre-Cana Day.
The Pre-Cana day provides those about to marry some personal experiences, insights and reflections from already-married couples, as well as a catechetical framework of marriage as a sacrament and a review of Natural Family Planning. The day includes time for private dialogue, interaction with other engaged couples, and the celebration of Mass and Reconciliation. Topics discussed are those often encountered in the life of a newly married couple and are intended to open a channel for dialogue between the engaged couple, both prior to and after marriage. Presentations by the team couples and the discussions that follow give the engaged couples a chance to hear information that will help them when facing similar situations in their own marriages.
Pre-Cana day is typically held on the second Saturday in March at St John Vianney parish. The Pre-Cana Team work together to plan and facilitate the Pre-Cana day. During the day, the team couples share their own marriage experiences, offering insights into marriage that help engaged couples better understand its sacramental nature within the Catholic framework and tradition.
The Pre-Cana Team could always use more help. Married couples can participate in a variety of facilitation and speaking roles. The commitment for Team members includes about 5 Team meetings held at St John Vianney parish on Friday evenings from January up to the March Pre-Cana day. Team couples will attest that the blessings they receive are both personal and spiritual. Contact the Parish Offices to learn more on how to become a part of the Pre-Cana Team!