Bereavement Ministry

Bereavement ministry is a caring outreach ministry

Bereavement ministry is a caring outreach ministry to the families of SJV parishioners who experience the death of a loved one. Follow-up contact is made primarily in the first year of bereavement by phone.

Bereavement information packets are mailed to the families about one month after the funeral. In addition, this ministry plans and facilitates the memorial liturgy for all the deceased of the past year on All Soul’s Day.

“Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.”

– Matthew 5, 4

A team of caring, good listening and compassionate volunteers coordinate this ministry. There are Grief Support Groups held twice a year. Watch this page the Weekly Bulletin and the Parish Calendar for scheduled Grief Support meetings.

If you are interested in learning more about the Bereavement Ministry and how you can be that caller who lightens someone’s day, contact our Parish Office.

Please contact Jim Hickey for more information.